Thursday, December 4, 2014

Week Seven- Legitimation of the Comics

This week I read some of Art Spiegelman's Complete Maus (Vol. 1 and 2) I somewhat enjoyed the comic, but honestly I would probably have enjoyed it more if I had read it in a tangible form rather than on the Internet. I found the work interesting enough though that I would like to buy the complete volume in book form so I can fully enjoy the read. I also found in difficult to read since it was translated. I feel like they could have transited it way better because right now I feel like it was just copy and pasted into Google translate and it did a bad job. So in that aspect it took away from my enjoyment of the story. not enough to stop me form continuing to finish it. Maus deals with an extremely heavy subject, The Holocaust. I myself have a lot more knowledge than I like about the subject since I attended a Jewish middle school and had to take a class every year for eight years on the holocaust. Maus does a great job at making the information swallow able without sacrificing its integrity as a piece of history. 
Spiegelman's portrayal of the Jews as mice and the cats as Nazis really helps to paint a black and white picture of the events that unfolded during the massacre. Its a tough read but I think that everyone should try and read a bit of it, at least a few chapters, this is an event that should be heard and never forgotten. This is a piece of history we do not want repeated in anyway. A good warning to all.

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